Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Champs in my life

     The first champ I would like to talk about is my wife. She is the most amazing woman alive. I have never met anyone who has such a loving bond with their family, and I admire that a lot more than my wife will ever know. I feel family is the most important thing and I personally struggle with mine. We are just so different. My family is an odd one, we have been through a lot and we love each other but we don't show it as much as we would like. One thing that not many people know, infact I think my wife is the only one who has caught on just because I'm to pig headed or stubborn to admit it, is I long for a better relationship with my family. When I was 18, a senior in high school, I always wanted to be able to do something that would pull my family closer together. Threw a lot of struggles I found the LDS church. For those of you who don't know what the LDS church is they are the mormons. As I was going to church one thing that stood out to me was the emphasis on the family. On my mission we taught, 
     "The restored gospel blesses and helps husbands and wives, parents and children as they strive to develop stronger relationships and spiritual strength in their families. These blessings are available now and in eternity. The gospel of Jesus Christ provides help with current concerns and challenges.
     Because families are ordained of God, they are the most important social unit in time and in eternity. God has established families to bring happiness to His children, allow them to learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and prepare them for eternal life. The home is the best place to teach, learn, and apply principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A home established on gospel principles will be a place of refuge and safety. It will be a place where the spirit of the Lord can abide, blessing family members with peace, joy, and happiness. Through prophets in every age, including our own, God has revealed His plan of happiness for individuals and families." PMG pg 32
       I look at my family and compare it to my wives and the big thing that is missing is the gospel. It wasn't near as an important part to my family as it was to hers. Her dad is a man who loves our Savior and has devoted his life to becoming more Christ like and it shows through the love and bonds his family shares. 
     Back to my wife she has embraced the teachings of the Gospel and she knows the importance of families. We some times argue about that relationship because I am selfish and would like her all to my self. But being the champ she is she has helped me understand the importance of ones family. My wife will drop everything to help a family member out she can be sick, upset, frustrated, and being hounded by her husband and she will still be there to help them in their times of need. I sometimes think to myself how they would get by without her? and promptly after that thought another pops into my head "thats why she is part of that family."
     I love her family even though I don't always show it. I love how whenever I go to visit I can feel the spirit in their home. I love to hear their testimonies and I know that without them I wouldn't have the wife I do today. She means the world to me and I am learning from her every day how to be more Christlike and how to deal with issues within a family. I love admire and respect her more than anyone I know and I think she is a champ for always fighting to help me understand the importance of our family bonds in Gods plan for us.